Use "undercurrent|undercurrents" in a sentence

1. There's a strong undercurrent of racism in this town.

2. But there were troubling undercurrents in the family.

3. There was an undercurrent of antipathy between them.

4. His writing lacks this undercurrent of protest and satire.

5. There was no subtle undercurrent to the question.

6. The invader sensed an undercurrent of resentment among the crowd.

7. Political turmoil and undercurrents of economic stress continue to spread in West Asia.

8. Therewas an undercurrent of resentment in their acceptance of the plan.

9. He sensed an undercurrent of resentment among the crowd.

10. An underlying or implied tendency or meaning; an undercurrent.

11. There are powerful undercurrents in the 1988 Education Act which pull in this direction.

12. Wherever it flourished an undercurrent of scepticism was never far away.

13. Racial hatred has been a powerful undercurrent in the country's history.

14. In violent America, there still exists an undercurrent of prejudice against Chinese.

15. That bright star is not a secret behind the undercurrent?

16. But with every initiative, they encountered an undercurrent of resistance.

17. I detect an undercurrent of resentment towards the new proposals.

18. Beneath the smooth surface of day-to-day political life, one senses powerful and dangerous undercurrents.

19. The Corruptionist captures with precision the undercurrents enveloping Bangkok, revealing multiple layers of betrayal and deception

20. There was a political undercurrent as well, though this was less explicit.

21. Synonyms for Connotations include undertones, nuance, implication, flavor, flavour, inference, suggestion, hints, intimations and undercurrents

22. 19 The sunny winter day provided an air of temperance, with a threatening undercurrent.

23. The stately gloom of official mourning was relieved by an undercurrent of suspense.

24. The Corruptionist captures with precision the undercurrents enveloping Bangkok, revealing multiple layers of betrayal and deception

25. The Corruptionist captures with precision the undercurrents enveloping Bangkok, revealing multiple layers of betrayal and deception

26. The sunny winter day provided an air of temperance, with a threatening undercurrent.

27. But the flipside of utopia, dystopia, has also been a fertile undercurrent of modernity.

28. The Corruptionist captures with precision the undercurrents enveloping Bangkok, revealing multiple layers of betrayal and deception

29. The Corruptionist captures with precision the undercurrents enveloping Bangkok, revealing multiple layers of betrayal and deception

30. The last, the panegyric, was one of the most common themes and undercurrents in our conversations all year long.

31. Fluctuations of the current regime within the upper layer may appreciably bias the undercurrent.

32. And those that are are met by reviewers with an odd undercurrent of grievance that is hard to explain.

33. From the left, he is accused of political cowardice in signing the Republican welfare overhaul with its roiling undercurrents of race.

34. It would be foolish to believe that any group of people can interact without a political undercurrent.

35. Thus, Soviet perceptions of the West left a strong undercurrent of tension and hostility between the Allied powers.

36. The people could not have been more charming but even so I sensed an undercurrent of suspicion.

37. It was simply a matter of time before this atheistic undercurrent would blossom into full-fledged denial of God.

38. Research on pollutants removal efficiency of the high rate denitrifier applied for constructed wetland with simulating undercurrent was conducted.

39. ‘Brainstorm’ allows itself some totally indulgent thrill-ride moments, but there's an ominous undercurrent to its futurism from square one

40. Yet the defence of the welfare state in the face of the new immigration has revealed an undercurrent of racism.

41. The undercurrents of tension and alienation build until they decide to smash up their home, piece by shattered piece, and then kill themselves.

42. After national newspaper headlines about racism in the town, Telford has begun to consider whether there is an undercurrent of prejudice.

43. In addition, there is the persistent undercurrent of Japanese corporations buying yen as they repatriate profits or income earned off investments abroad.

44. From the left([], he is accused of political cowardice in signing the Republican welfare overhaul with its roiling undercurrents of race.

45. Examples of Adrenalized in a Sentence Recent Examples on the Web But, whereas chillwave hushed listeners into tranquillity, witch house had an unsettling undercurrent that jolted them awake in Adrenalized …

46. The depths of the trough and the deeper peaks are almost coincident with those of the south boundaries of the South Equatorial Current and the Equatorial Undercurrent, respectively.

47. 24 This letter just no ink, between the lines for busy, night lights and star, I hope the undercurrent drips, happy New Year good time, total heart feelings surging, wish you happy new year without sorrow,( happy new year!